1Masters student, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of physical education and sport sciences, University of Hakim Sabzevari, Sabzevar, Iran
2Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of physical education and sport sciences, University of Hakim Sabzevari, Sabzevar, Iran
3Ph.D, Sport Management, Sabzevar, Iran
Introduction: Quality physical education involves various developmental aspects in education, such as content knowledge in sport activities, curriculum, instruction and assessment, as well as the development of supportive factors, such as venues, training of professional personnel, opportunities for extended learning, policy for inclusion, gender balance and equality in education. (Ahmed,2017)
Methods: Considering the qualitative and exploratory nature of the subject, the grounded theory was applied as a qualitative research method using the Glaser model. First, a preliminary list of effective factors was identified through primary studies. It was followed by semi-structured interviews conducted with 15 elites who were aware of the subject of the study.
Results: The results of open coding identified 108 indicators as physical education problems in Sabzevar education, which were classified into 9 concepts and 3 categories; Behavioral level included family and students, structural level included schools and teachers, and finally contextual level including management and leadership, human resources, material resources, financial resources and society.
Conclusion: Physical education is considered as an important subject in the school curriculum, which the major goals is ‘Exercise and health’, ‘Learning physical activity’ and ‘Social and personal development’.(Holzweg,2013) Nevertheless, research evidence in Iran shows that this criterion is somewhat ambitious and, despite basic problems, is rarely achieved during physical education lessons. The quality work of physical education should not be restricted to the thinking of educational factors in curriculum, teaching and assessment; it must arrive with wider consideration of principled and holistic planning from educational factors to supportive issues, policies for inclusion, building appropriate infrastructure, opportunities for exercises after school hours, Culture building in society and the provision of sufficient professionals with suitable knowledge to work in the field. Therefore, education managers can use the identified indicators, concepts and categories in their future planning to solve problems and ultimately develop student sports.