PhD in Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Branch, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: the balance between service centers and individuals with areas that benefit from services is of particular importance. The vital arteries of the city, given its distribution, must be such that has the least cost for users. Currently, one of the most important problems is improper placement of sports spaces, uneven and disproportionate distribution, and lack of provision of suitable spaces for these uses in cities (Salarvandian et al, 2020). The location of such places, in a special spatial-physical position of the city, is subject to the principles and arrangement of these places (Nazari et al, 2016). Therefore, identifying and organizing physical and structural factors in the construction of sports facilities seems important.
Methodology: According to the purpose of the research, the approach of the present research was qualitative and its paradigm was interpretive. Data collection tools in this study were in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The thematic analysis method was also used for extraction and coding. The statistical population of the study included sports experts and managers of Tehran Municipality. Purposeful sampling was done with 15 interviews to reach theoretical saturation. To assess the validity and reliability of acceptability, transferability, and verifiability, open reliability of the test was used.
Results: Based on the coding and research findings, physical and structural factors were identified in 4 main forms, which included: Neighborhood, land-use change, infrastructure development, design and architecture, ecological factors, and distributive justice.
Conclusion: In planning and designing sports venues, site selection, green space and process selection, such as control and monitoring system, recycling system, environmental issues, existing standards, attention to the cultural-sports attachment of the neighborhood, and infrastructure development are of great importance. Therefore, Municipal managers can change the use of some old factories, warehouses, old commercial facilities, etc., like sports venues.