1M.A Student of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
2Ph.D. in Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: COVID-19 is a potentially fatal coronavirus pandemic that has affected the world from 2020. The WHO has recommended that reducing face to face contacts and increasing the social distance can somewhat control its transmission. The implementation of quarantine in many of countries has affected all of the sporting events including the 2020 Olympics. However, not all sports seem to be equally affected by COVID-19 and the aim of this study was to compare the effect of COVID-19 on different sports in sports clubs in Tehran.
Methods: This study was an ex-post-facto study in which the tendency of athletes to exercise in sports clubs were compared in different fields before and after COVID-19. The statistical population was the athletes of Tehran sports clubs in the period before the COVID-19 and after that. One hundred of them were selected by convenient sampling. The instrument used was a 24-item questionnaire measured the tendency to exercise in the club. Its Cronbach's alpha was 0.87 and its content validity was confirmed by 5 experts in this field. The questionnaires were conducted online using Porsline.
Results: Analyzes showed that sports such as bodybuilding and boxing were affected widely from COVID-19, and sports such as tennis and volleyball were less affected by the pandemic (F= 7.25, P< 0.05). Moreover, the tendency to sports related to body Fitness had increased after COVID-19. The tendency of women to play sports in the club had decreased more than men after COVID-19 (t= 4.8, P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that sports which require more physical contact with others and the direct use of common equipment is more affected by COVID-19. Therefore, considering this finding, it is possible to make sports clubs healthier to athletes for wider use.