1Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
2Master of Arts in Sport Management, Azad University Hamadan Branch, Hamadan, Iran
Introduction: Biorhythm theory is one of the newest subjects in the field of mind ergonomics identification (1). Biorhythm cycles are believed to begin from the day of birth and a base line begin their cyclical variation with an initial upward swing. These cycles have been termed: (I) the physical cycle which lasts 23 days includes strength, energy, endurance, resistance to disease; (II) the emotional cycle which lasts 28 days includes periods of elation, sadness, moodiness, creativity; and (III) the intellectual cycle which lasts 33 days includes alertness, memory, reasoning ability (2).The sports field is considered one of the most important fields where the Biorhythm theories are applied (3). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate of relationship between Biorhythm and sport performance in table tennis athletes.
Methods: Research method was descriptive-correlated. 78 men table tennis athletes (10±2 Competition experience and 16-29 years old) participated in this study. The data were collected through sport performance questionnaire that filled after athletes' competition in knockout round. The results of Biorhythm were delineated by Biorhythm software in which the exact athletes' born dates were employed. Chi-square and three- way analysis of variance via Software SPSS were used.
Results: The results of chi-square showed a significant difference between the results of match and situations of physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles (p<0.01). Also, the three-way ANOVA results showed significant differences between variant types of physical cycle (p=0.008, F=5.3), emotional cycle (p=0.038, F=3.468), and athletes' performance but no significant differences between variant type intellectual cycle (p=0.008, F=5.3) and athletes' performance were seen.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that Biorhythm cycles variant phase could affect the performance of table tennis athletes. Therefore, Table tennis coaches are advised to select the athletes for matches based on the appropriate Biorhythm cycle phase.